MSI PI Receives Physics Prize

MSI PI Receives Prestigious Physics Prize

MSI PI Vlad Pribiag (associate professor, Physics) has received a five-year, $1.25 million Experimental Physics Investigators award from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation. The award is one of only 19 given nationwide this year.

Professor Pribiag's group performs research into the properties of quantum matter, with the eventual goal of discovering fundamentals of quantum materials and developing quantum devices that could lead to advanced computing technologies. The group uses MSI for computational simulations that numerically probe and model properties of experimentally fabricated semiconductor nanostructures.

A story about this award and Professor Pribiag’s research appears on the College of Science and Engineering website: Associate Professor Vlad Pribiag receives prestigious $1.25 million physics investigators award. The complete list of award winners appears on the Moore Foundation website: Propelling science and discovery: 2024 Experimental Physics Investigators.



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