How do I use Globus to transfer data to Second Tier Storage at MSI?
MSI has a Globus endpoint on the MSI Second Tier storage system, with the endpoint name UMN MSI Tier2. This endpoint allows MSI users to transfer data to and from MSI Second Tier storage.
To use Globus to access MSI Second Tier storage, follow the same process for a Globus transfer outlined in our Globus documentation, but select endpoint UMN MSI Tier2 from the Transfer Panel.
To move data between MSI Primary and Secondary storage, transfers may be performed between the UMN MSI Home and UMN MSI Tier2 endpoints.
The Globus endpoint software supporting transfers has appeared stable, though in its current implementation the UMN MSI Tier2 endpoint has generally delivered lower transfer performance. It has been observed that higher transfer rates are obtained for fewer large files, than for many small files. Users may wish to consider combining small files into composite archive files for faster transfer, though this is up to the user.
Sharing data with Globus
The upgrade and switch from Globus 4 to Globus 5 means users will need to switch any existing shared endpoints that are still in use from the previous umnmsi#tier2 to the UMN MSI Tier2 endpoint.
As with other Globus endpoints, it is possible to enable read-only sharing of a file or directory (s3 bucket) via the Globus sharing mechanism. For more information on Globus sharing, and other Globus endpoint features, see the primary Globus documentation.
General warnings regarding Globus transfers apply to the Second Tier storage endpoint. Please consult the primary Globus documentation to understand the warnings and limitations.
Within Second Tier storage, data must exist within at least one directory (s3 bucket). Data transfers to UMN MSI Tier2 should attempt to place data within at least one directory, or the transfers will fail.
The Globus sharing mechanism is completely independent of the s3 file sharing mechanisms. Changing the shared status of data via the Globus interface has no effect on s3 sharing permissions. As with other endpoints, Globus shared directories remain shared until sharing is removed using the Globus interface. Any material within a Globus shared directory (including newly added material) is shared via Globus. For security, it is recommended that users disable sharing when their need for sharing has ended.