
Events through MSI and beyond

MSI hosts a variety of events throughout the year, such as workshops, tutorials, and exhibitions. Our training events offer opportunities for the research community to engage with MSI experts and learn how supercomputing resources can be used to enhance your research. In addition, our annual Research Exhibition highlights numerous projects being conducted by our investigators.

MSI promotes events and training sessions in topic areas of interest to our researchers. Filter for "Other Events" to see a list of upcoming events and conferences from other University of Minnesota units. For questions or more information regarding these events, please contact the event organizers listed on each event page. MSI does not provide support for these events.

If you have an event you would like to have listed on this page, please send a request to our Helpdesk and your event will be reviewed.

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U-Spatial Workshops - Web GIS: Introduction to ArcGIS Online

If you are new to GIS, this workshop is for you.

U-Spatial Workshops – ArcGIS Story Maps: Visual Storytelling With Maps

This workshop guides participants through the process of telling stories with maps using the Esri Story Map platform.

GEMS Learning – Introduction to Data Analysis With R

GEMS Learning provides modular non-credit digital and data science education for working professionals and students in food, agriculture, and natural resource application areas.

UMN Single Cell Symposium 2024

The field of single-cell genomics has progressed rapidly over the last 10 years and has changed the way we ask and answer biological questions.

IIB Breakfast Meeting

All are invited to attend the International Institute for Biosensing Breakfast Meeting.

IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Virtual Conference

The IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Virtual Conference will be held September 23 – 27, 2024.

From Research to Search: Legal Research Technologies, 1964-1994

The Charles Babbage Institute presents the annual Tomash Fellowship Lecture on April 30, 2024, 2 - 3 p.m.

2024 Research Computing Exhibition

Join us for the 2024 Research Computing Exhibition on Tuesday, April 23rd at the Walter Library.

Software Carpentry - Introduction to LaTeX

This workshop will cover formatting fundamentals for LaTeX, a typesetting system commonly used in scientific publishing.

Software Carpentry – Snakemake: Reproducible Data Workflow Management

Learn to tame your unruly data processing workflow with Snakemake, a tool for creating reproducible and scalable data analyses.

Software Carpentry - R for Reproducible Scientific Analysis

This three-part workshop series will introduce modular code and best practices for using R for data analysis.

DSI Data Voyages - The Science of Games

The U of M Data Science Initiative invites you to explore the Science of Card Games with Fantasy Flight.