Protected and Sensitive Data Acceptable Use Agreement
All MSI users agree that they will NOT use any of MSI's systems to store data that are protected by the following laws and regulations.
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
- Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA)
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
- International Traffic in Arms Regulations (ITAR)
- Export Administration Regulations (EAR)
It is the responsibility of the MSI PI to ensure compliance with this policy and to report any violation of this policy as dictated by governing data use agreements. I understand that any violation of this policy will result in the immediate closure of all associated user accounts under this group and removal of all data that are in violation.
MSI's use of your Internet ID
By continuing, you agree to have your U of M generated username (Internet ID) displayed to other users within the MSI directory. By confirming this message you acknowledge that you understand your U of M username will be used to identify you on MSI systems. The information in MSI's directory will be based on UMN directory information at this time. If you are a student and want to suppress your MSI directory information please contact the MSI help desk at [email protected] or by calling (612) 626-0802. MSI will only suppress your MSI directory information if your information is already suppressed in the central Identity Management system. See this link for more information:
If you were recently invited to a group, please complete MSI's User Agreement form