Care for Dementia Patients

Improving Care for Dementia Patients

MSI PI Nidhi Kohli (professor, Educational Psychology) and colleagues in the School of Public Health have received a $2.5 million grant for their project, “Training the Long-Term Services and Supports Dementia Care Workforce in Provision of Care to Sexual and Gender Minority Residents.” Professor Simon Rosser (Epidemiology and Community Health) is the project PI and Associate Professor Tetyana Shippee (Health Policy and Manager is co-PI. Professor Kohli will lead the quantitative methodology for the project. A story about the project appears on the College of Education and Human Development website: Kohli, Colleagues Awarded NIH Grant to Train Dementia Care Workforce.

Professor Kohli’s group uses MSI resources in support of their development and improvement of statistical methods for analyzing educational, psychological, and more generally social and behavioral sciences data, particularly longitudinal (measures repeated on the same individuals over time) data.

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