MSI PI Jian-Ping Wang Named to National Academy of Inventors
MSI PI Jian-Ping Wang (Electrical and Computer Engineering; Director, Center for Spintronic Materials for Advanced Information Technologies) has been named a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI). This is the highest honor given to academic inventors and recognizes creation or facilitation of outstanding inventions that have made a tangible impact on the quality of life, economic development, and the welfare of society. Professor Wang will be inducted into the NAI at the group’s annual meeting in June 2022.
A story about this award and Professor Wang’s research appears on the College of Science and Engineering website: Professor Jian-Ping Wang to be Inducted Into the National Academy of Inventors.
Professor Wang is a long-time MSI PI who is currently using MSI resources for projects related to the search and study of new magnetic materials.