MSI News

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Using Filtration Devices for Safer Dental Procedures

Two MSI PIs from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Regents Professor David Pui and Associate Professor Jiarong Hong, led a new study that demonstrated the use of filtration devices to mitigate the spread of aerosols during dental procedures.

Creating Plant-Based Surfactants

A recent story on the OVPR’s Inquiry blog features MSI PI Paul Dauenhauer (professor, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science) and his lab, who have developed a method of using biomass to create surfactants that work even better than petroleum-based ones.

PASC22 Call for Papers

The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing (PASC) Conference series is an international and interdisciplinary platform for the exchange of knowledge in scientific computing and computational science with a strong focus on methods, tools, algorithms, application challenges, and novel techniques and usage of high-performance computing.Research paper submissions are being solicited for PASC22, which will be held at the Congress Center Basel, Switzerland, from June 27 to 29, 2022.

Fighting Parkinson’s Disease

The U of M Udall Center of Excellence for Parkinson’s Disease Research, directed by MSI PI Jerrold Vitek (professor and head, Neurology), was recently awarded a new $11.3M grant from the National Institute for Neurological Disorders and Stroke to continue its research into using deep brain stimulation (DBS) to treat Parkinson’s disease.

Climate Policy Series at Humphrey School

MSI PI Gabe Chan (professor, HHH School of Public Policy) is helping to lead a new speaker series focusing on climate change.

November 2021 Maintenance

On Wednesday, November 3, 2021, MSI staff will perform scheduled maintenance and upgrades to various MSI systems.

MSI PIs Leading Brain-Development Projects

MSI PIs are among the co-leaders of two projects that recently received grants totaling $26 million from the National Institutes of Health.MSI PI Sylia Wilson (assistant professor, Institute of Child Development) is a co-leader on a $6 million grant that establishes the U of M as a data collection site for the HEALthy Brain and Child Development (HBCD) Study.

Microbes for Healthier Crops

MSI PI Linda Kinkel (professor, Plant Pathology) is the chief scientific officer for a new U of M startup called Jord Bioscience.

Using Spectroscopy to Save Oak Trees

MSI PI Jeannine Cavender-Bares (professor, Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior) is featured in on the OVPR Inquiry blog in a story about her research into using spectroscopy to find trees affected with oak wilt, a devastating fungal disease.

New Climate Modeling Center Uses Machine Learning Techniques

The University of Minnesota is part of a climate modeling center that aims to improve climate modeling and prepare for the disruptions that will occur as the climate changes.

Longer Life Expectancy

MSI PI Craig Packer (professor, Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior; Director, Lion Research Center) and colleagues from several other institutions recently published research showing that increased lifespans are a result of better environments - public health and nutrition - and not a slowing of the aging process.

3D Printing for Medicine

MSI PI Angela Panoskaltsis-Mortari (professor, Pediatrics; Director, 3D Bioprinting Facility) is interviewed in the Fall 2021 issue of Discovery magazine, a publication of the University of Minnesota Foundation.