What is a module?
MSI uses software called module to provide users with software-on-demand.

When given the package-name for the software,
$> module load package-name
will configure a user's environment and paths to include all directories necessary to run the software. Note: all MSI software pages include the package-name for reference. This change will last until you log out, and loading a module that is already loaded will make no additional changes to your environment. You can undo the effect of all loaded modules with the command,
$> module purge
The command,
$> module avail
lists all available software packages for the current machine. Note that modules will vary by machine dependent on licensing and security restrictions.
$> module avail package_name
lists the available versions of a software package. For example, module avail comsol
To see the actions a module performs use the module show command like:
$> module show package_name
For a complete understanding of the module command, refer to the manpage:
$> man module