MSI User Account Types and Expiry Details
MSI supports four types of user accounts: Principal Investigator, Group Member, Class, and Tutorial. Your MSI account type largely dictates when and how the account will expire. The specific terms for each are described below. All account types must change their password at least once annually otherwise the account will be locked.

Principal Investigator Accounts
Qualified Principal Investigators must request renewal of their MSI account on an annual basis otherwise the account will expire. Principal Investigator accounts that are not renewed during the annual access renewal period (Oct. through December) will be locked on the last business day of January. A PI account will be deleted if a request to renew the account is not made within five months of when the account was locked. Deletion of a PI account means that access to MSI systems will be denied and data from MSI storage systems will be removed.
Group Member Accounts
Group Member accounts must be renewed annually by the Group Member's PI sponsor, otherwise the account will be locked. The Group Member account will be deleted if a request to unlock the account is not made within five months of when the account was locked. Deletion of a Group Member account means that access to MSI systems will be denied and ownership of data under the Group Member account will be transferred to the Group Member's PI sponsor. PIs may at any time request for one of their Group Member accounts to be expired and for any of the associated data to be transferred to the PI account. Group Member accounts must be affiliated with a PI account; therefore, a Group Member account will be expired if its PI account is expired.
Class Accounts
Class accounts will expire two weeks after the semester ends unless an extended time is requested. Any data saved in the storage associated with class accounts is subject to removal at the end of the semester and will not be recoverable by MSI.
Tutorial Accounts
Tutorial accounts are typically created to support relatively brief events lasting between one hour and two days. Tutorial accounts will expire at 8 PM Central Time on the last day of the tutorial. Any data saved in the storage associated with tutorial accounts is subject to removal when the account is expired and will not be recoverable by MSI.