How does a PI set a group admin?
A Principal Investigator (PI) may assign a user in his or her group the role of Group Administrator. The Group Admin has privileges to carry out administrative functions for the group, such as adding new users, completing the annual renewal form, and giving group members access to HPC resources. The Group Admin must have an MSI account within the PI's group.

You may set Group Administrative priviledges for one or more users using the "Manage Group Members" interface. To access your this interface, click the drop-down menu next to your x500 in the header of MSI's website. When the dropdown appears, click the name of the group you would like to manage. If you are not logged in, you will instead see a prompt to "Log into MSI" first.

Then, on your groups page, select "Manage Group Members."

Locate the user(s) you wish to grant Group Administrator priviledges in the list of users in your group. Next to their name, check the box under the "Group Admin" column to grant them priviledges and click "Apply SU and Group Admin Changes" at the bottom of the list. To remove these priviledges from a user, simply uncheck the box and click "Apply SU and Group Admin Changes."

If you do not see the user in the list of users your group, you will first need to invite them to your MSI group, and they will need to accept the MSI User Agreement. Once they have accepted, they will appear in the list of users shortly thereafter and can be granted Group Admin privileges following this process.